See in the dark

4 hours or reality mind-altering docu series.
In "SEE IN THE DARK." I uncover the grim realities of population control, manipulation, and the pervasive influence of propaganda.

Introducing the groundbreaking series "SEE IN THE DARK." In this unique project, I uncover the grim realities of population control, manipulation, and the pervasive influence of propaganda.

Prepare to embark on an unforgettable journey through 10 captivating episodes that expose the intricate web of deceit and reveal the entities that have taken control of our minds and reality.

  • 23 mn

    In the first episode, I reveal that reality is a simulation. You'll learn that you are unknowingly participating in a game with hidden rules. Political figures and world events are merely actors and staged performances designed to maintain mass psychosis.

    To escape this illusion, you must stop playing, step back, and recognize the manipulations. The true antagonists are occult elites who use programs like sustainable development and the Great Reset to conceal their intentions of turning humanity into cyborgs without free will. Attractive technologies such as tracking apps and smartwatches monitoring heart rate and blood pressure are tools of control aimed at enslaving and surveilling the population.

    I invite you to wake up and stop feeding this illusion to finally free yourself from this mental prison.


  • 24 mn

    In the second episode, I continue to expose the manipulations and threats we face. The climate change masquerade is used to infect us with fear through catastrophic narratives and alarming images propagated by the media. Public figures like DiCaprio and Greta Thunberg amplify this collective guilt, portraying humanity as a destructive species.

    The episode reveals how nanotechnologies, introduced through vaccines and other common products, are turning people into human antennas emitting radiation. Graphene oxide, ubiquitous in its presence, is portrayed as a programmable substance, often referenced in pop culture as "black goo."

    Technological advancements like 5G and 6G are used to turn humanity into synthetic and infertile beings under the pretext of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), which merges the physical, biological, and digital worlds according to Klaus Schwab's vision.

  • 15 mn

    In this episode, I discuss how global events like concerts, the Olympic Games, and the Oscars are organized as mega-rituals. These shows use Masonic symbols to reveal the omnipresent duality of our world, fragmenting our collective perception.

    I also explain how celebrities are manipulated like pawns in an occult game, often being mind-controlled to follow pre-set scripts. This is why all music videos and performances look the same, adhering to a programming model that reflects the elite's goals. Thus, the entertainment industry becomes a tool for mass manipulation, influencing our understanding and behavior through encoded representations and symbols.

    This episode delves into why these mega-rituals are not just entertainment but a complex means of shaping our collective reality, while highlighting our participatory role in this system of occult control.

  • 40 mn

    In this episode, I uncover the dark mechanisms of mind control, showing how pain and trauma fragment victims' minds, creating new personalities programmed with encoded images and sounds.

    I explain that movies like "Alice in Wonderland" and "The Wizard of Oz" are used to facilitate this fragmentation and trigger alter personalities in slaves. Recurring symbols include shattered glass, masks, and black gloves, representing multiple personalities, slaves controlled and manipulated by their handlers.

    This episode also highlights how the MK-ULTRA program is used to create serial killers, as illustrated in movies like "Nikita" and music videos like Eminem's "Framed." These works reveal the methods of mind control and programming, turning people into "sleeper agents" or killers on demand.

    Celebrities, often under mind control, are programmed to perform specific roles and influence the masses. I recommend watching movies like "American Ultra" to understand how these agents, leading ordinary lives, are activated to carry out specific missions, shedding light on the hidden impact of mind control on individuals and society.

  • 52 mn

    The episode explores predictive programming, where popular culture integrates elements of future events to facilitate their manifestation. This technique psychologically prepares the public, desensitizes them through repetition, and uses films, music videos, and video games to condition the acceptance of future events.

    Hidden subliminal messages play a key role in this process. These messages are information subtly integrated into media, so that our consciousness does not perceive them directly, but our subconscious absorbs and processes them. These messages can profoundly influence our behavior and beliefs without our awareness. They are often used to reinforce specific narratives or prepare the public for future events, creating passive acceptance of what might otherwise be rejected.

  • 12 mn

    The next episode explores feminism and reveals how films like "Barbie" contribute to the destruction of the family. These productions promote the idea that having children is not valued and that masculinity is inherently toxic. At the same time, music videos depict a war between men and women, creating an atmosphere of conflict and hostility. This dynamic pushes the youth towards isolation and seeking refuge with celebrities, who then negatively reprogram their young fans, plunging them into confusion.

    The ultimate goal of this manipulation is to create a narcissistic and selfish young generation, obsessed with vanity and detached from traditional family and community values. By encouraging isolation and gender rivalry, these cultural influences shape a generation more concerned with their image and personal gratification than with healthy and fulfilling relationships.

  • 30 mn

    This episode delves into the confusion surrounding gender identity, highlighted by the pervasive LGBTQ+ propaganda in music, film, and television. It reveals that winners of beauty pageants, sports competitions, and film awards are often transgender. In reality, many celebrities are also transgender, a fact that is frequently hidden and occasionally hinted at through jokes. Paradoxically, their children are publicly becoming transgender, which helps society to gradually acclimate to and desensitize itself to these issues.

  • 40 mn

    I uncover the characteristics of celebrities and conduct a transvestigation to expose them. I analyze both physical traits and their promotion of certain agendas. This gender transition is viewed by them as a religion they want to involve us in. Elite circles have practiced this for centuries, and they aim for us to join their satanic religion that worships inversion and distortion of the truth.

  • SOON

    In the final episode, I explore how ancient architectures were connected to the ether, a free and universal energy. I reveal that modern cosmology is deeply flawed, and theories such as evolution and the Big Bang are designed to convince humanity that its life is insignificant and that its existence is a miracle. This deception aims to undermine our place in the universe and distract us from the truth about our true potential.

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  • Over 4 hours of captivating viewing

  • One-time payment for the entire series

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What you get:

  • 4+ hours Series “SEE IN THE DARK”

  • 10 Chapters high quality documentary

  • Watch on Laptop or Mobile

  • Subtitle Languages available in RU/EN/FR/ES/PT

  • One Time Payment - Lifetime Access

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