
A raw and truthful story of an aspiring artist, on the pursuit of his pure limitless vision and ideals, being abruptly collided with the violence of society, dissolved in its own greediness, driven by fear and stuck in an endless hunt for sex, money and dominance. He soon finds himself in a profound conflict, feeling trapped by this obscurity. This leads him to a deep feeling of isolation which comes along with hallucinations. At some point, the boundary between reality and hallucinations becomes so thin and blurred that the artist hears a call for action. He remembers all his true values and now decides to favor another path of creation, conquering all obstacles he had encountered on his path and becoming a source of light, embracing a new beginning. It is a very intimate journey of personal transformation and rebirth. A society critique. A wake up call, directed to all viewers, inviting them to question the world we live in and what do they personally live for.


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